Battlefield or planetside 2

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Posts: 2

Battlefield or planetside 2

Post#1 » Mon Dec 10, 2012 2:56 pm

After a long vacation from gaming, I have decided to take up a little gaming again. I have been playing a little Battlefield 4 free (because its free) looking at possibly purchasing Battlefield 3. I,m not sure which version to get Battlefield3 or premium, so if anyone has any knowledge on the subject I would appreciate it. I'm also looking at Planetside 2, so if anyone out there is playing either of these let me know; additionally, since I have been out of the loop for a while, if there is another game I haven't looked at let me know. I am looking for, ideally, a decent quality free game, or if a purchased game with no monthly subscriptions. I don't have the time or money at this point to invest in a subscription type game.

Posts: 2

Re: Battlefield or planetside 2

Post#2 » Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:13 pm

Since playing battlefield, I have become hooked on combat vehicles,especially the flying ones, so I have decided to move to playing battlefield 3. I tried playing planetside2, and from the size and scope of the game it appears to take more of a time investment than I'm willing to give. If anyone is interested in joining me on battlefield4free or battlefield3 from time to time let me know and try to hook up.

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Posts: 70

Re: Battlefield or planetside 2

Post#3 » Wed May 15, 2013 12:53 am

Definitely looking forward to trying BF3 if I can ever get some free time. I've loved BF2 and played it for quite a while, liked what I saw with 3 but have yet to give it a run.

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